All of Jesus for All of the World

Sunday School: 9:30 AM •  Sunday Worship: 10:45 AM


Our church is never about the building but always about the people. Our congregation comprises singles, seniors, children, youth, and families of all shapes and sizes. When you visit our church, you’ll be greeted with warm smiles and know you are welcome. We are a growing family desiring to serve our Savior. Our church strives to be the hands and feet of Jesus to everyone who walks through the door. We are a Bible-believing, Bible-teaching church, and that is evident in every classroom and every sermon.

Our Church

Sunday School

  • We offer an adult class, Basic Christianity class, Teen Sunday School, and Children’s Sunday School - every Sunday at 9:30 am.

Sunday Worship

  • Our worship services are filled with praise and reflection. Led by our pastor and head elder, we begin with a warm welcome and announcements. We center our hearts with Scripture during the Call to Worship, accompanied by a Prelude. Through hymns and choruses, we offer our praises and engage in worship. The pastor leads us in prayer, followed by a meaningful message. We close with another hymn and a final prayer. Afterward, there's a time for fellowship and greeting one another.

Kids & Youth

  • We offer Sunday school classes for kids and youth on Sunday mornings at 9:30 AM. Pre-K through 5th grade Children’s Church includes lessons, crafts, songs, supervised and led by 2 adults, offered Sunday mornings at 10:45am

Visiting for the first time?

We realize that visiting a church for the first time can be intimidating. Check out our “What to Expect” page before joining us on Sunday morning.